John Bate visits Meserani! Posted September 3, 2014 by admin


John Bate was Head Teacher at Acklam Grange School when The Meserani Project first evolved. His support in the early stages of The Meserani Project was inspirational to all those involved, and he has taken a keen interest in the project ever since.

Now that he has retired as a Head Teacher, he and his wife Joan found time to visit Tanzania this year, and on 13 August he spent the day at Moita School, Kipok School, Lesiraa School, and Meserani Snake Park. The pupils and staff at all three schools gave John a warm and well-deserved welcome, and as well as receiving gifts from the schools, he was honoured by the schools singing their school songs to him. The recordings of Moita School singing their school song and the National Anthem of Tanzania for John are at the foot of this page.