
Charles Robert

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHe has never known his father, and grew up with his mother who has no employment. He has two brothers and two sisters. He is the second born, and his big sister “just hangs out” in Meserani. He is from the Mkuria tribe, which originates from the shores of Lake Victoria. His ambition is to have a career in tourism and management. He was sponsored through his secondary education by Meserani Snakepark. At the end of his four years he did extremely well in the national examinations, and was awarded a place at Monduli High School to study A’ Levels. Because it would be impossible for Charles to find the school fees, boarding costs, uniform or equipment, The Meserani Project stepped in and in August 2013 a trustee from the project spent two days with Charles buying his uniform and equipment, and paying his school and boarding fees. He started his A’ Level studies at Engutoto School, Monduli on Monday 29 July 2013.

We were delighted that a former Acklam Grange School pupil – Elizabeth Mitchell – and her mother Karen, offered to sponsor Charles through his two years of High School education. Both Elizabeth and Karen met Charles in August 2014 as part of an Acklam Grange School Trip.

Following excellent results in his A’ Level examinations, the government allocated Charles a place at St. Augustine University to follow a three-year degree course. He started his course in October 2015, and continues to be sponsored by Karen Mitchell.