
2015 Trip-Announcements

7 March 2015:

The eleventh payment of £150 is due by Friday 27 March  2015. You can use the Parent Pay option, or you can pay by cheque. If paying by cheque, please make the cheque payable to ‘Acklam Grange School’, take it in a sealed envelope to Miss Jones or Mrs. Southam in the Finance Office, and make sure you get your payment card signed.

A Race Night has been arranged for Friday 3 July 2015 – please keep this day free in your diaries.

Please bear in mind that pupils will need to have an EHIC card with them on the trip, because of the fact that our transit airport is in Amsterdam. EHIC Cards are free and can be obtained by calling 0300 3301350 or apply online at: www.nhs.uk/ehic/ and click on ‘Apply for your EHIC now’.

If you have not yet been to your GP yet to discuss your immunisations and health requirements for the trip, then you need to do this by the end of this March. Details are on the website.

The first draft of the Trip Booklet is now available on the Downloads page.

Our final meeting before we set off for Kenya & Tanzania is on Wednesday 13 May – it is important that everyone attends this meeting – pupils and parents – so please keep the date free in your diaries.