2019 is the year when we are hoping that the building of the new Meserani Secondary School will begin – it is overdue, and we are hoping that real progress can now be made. Because the focus of The Meserani Project is to ensure that the new school is up and running as soon as possible, and accessible to the pupils from the Meserani District, our fundraising and finances are being directed towards the building project. Once the new school can accept its first intake of Form One pupils, then there should be no need for us to sponsor pupils to attend Kipok Girls’ School and Moita Boys’ School. Consequently, our secondary school sponsorship programme is being phased out, so that we can concentrate on providing an actual secondary school for the pupils at Meserani. However, there were five individual cases that we felt still needed our support this year, as shown below, all of them girls who were due to be married off once they completed primary school.
The pupils below all started their secondary education in January 2019.
Click on each image to see the individual stories behind each pupil.
- Annet Miliari
- Nabulu Lairumbe
- Neema Lemomo
- Prisila Sanare
- Regina Nyangusi