
African Jewellery & Handicraft Sales

Our eighteenth annual African Handicrafts & Jewellery Sale is taking place on 9 November 2024. Because there are always some people who are not able to attend on that particular date, you can now order items, using this website to see what is available, and then collect them from our home.
Payments can be made by bank transfer into the charity bank account, by cash, or by cheque.
Please take time to browse through what is available, as detailed below, and then place your order by:
  • Dropping a note through our letter box – please include your telephone number
  • or e-mail your order to us at meserani@hotmail.co.uk
We will then put your order together and contact you to arrange a time for you to collect it.
We have too much stock to be able to show everything on this website, so if there is anything specifically that you wanted, but can’t see it below, please get in touch.
Diane & Peter Swan