
Agatha Leparakwo

Agatha Leparakwo-August 2014


Agatha lives with her mother, her father passed away a long time ago. There are nine children in the family, and Agatha is the seventh born. She enjoys football, and plays for the school in a local league. She was placed ninth in her examinations at Lesiraa Primary School in early 2014, and performed particularly well in the national examinations in November 2014. She would like to be a teacher one day.

Agatha started her secondary education at Kipok Girls’ Secondary Boarding School in January 2015. In her first school examinations in November 2015 she gained a Distinction (the highest level). She is being sponsored by Linda and John Taylor.

Agatha achieved a Division Three result in her final examinations, and was selected to study a two-year Certificate Course in Civil Engineering at Misungwi College of Civil Engineering, Mwanza. She started her course in July 2019. Linda and John Taylor are continuing to sponsor Agatha through her two year Certificate Course.