
Agnes Isack

Agnes lives with the second wife of her father – her parents divorced many years ago. Her parents have no employment, the father depends on a small income from preaching in church every Sunday so that they can survive – he sometimes mends bicycles as well. Agnes had to walk several miles to her secondary school each day.

Agnes sat her national secondary examinations in November 2017, and performed extremely well – she gained a Division Three – 23 points. As a result she was selected to study A’ Levels in Biology, Chemistry & Geography at Kibondo High School, Kigoma, and she started her course in July 2018. Agnes is being sponsored through her two years of A’ Level studies by the Payne family (David, Kate, Ellie and Max) from Devon, who wanted to sponsor a pupil to give them the best possible start in life. David visited the Meserani Project in Tanzania last year and wanted to continue to help out and support the project, as well as making a cause to return one day with his family.