
Augustino Joseph

Augustino is an orphan, and was living in the Shalom Orphanage Centre close to his primary school. His mother died in 2009 and he has never known his father. He has one sister, who lives with an uncle – he only gets to see his sister during school holidays. He was placed fourth in his examinations at Lesiraa Primary School in 2017. His favourite subjects were Mathematics, History, Geography and English. He would like to be a soldier one day.

Augustino started his secondary education at Moita Boys’ Secondary Boarding School in January 2018. He is being sponsored by Eeman Dad and Rachel Smith, former Acklam Grange pupils, who visited Meserani in July 2017. Rachel is currently studying A’ Levels (Chemistry, Maths and Physics) at Bede College, and Eeman is studying A’ levels (English Literature, History and Biology) at Queen Elizabeth College. Upon returning from Africa ‘an experience of a lifetime’, they were certain that they wanted to sponsor a child, and with every intention they hope to return.