
Crowdfunding – Beware

Many charities benefit from various forms of Crowdfunding initiatives, such as Just Giving.

To date, (18 October 2022), The Meserani Project has only received donated funds from four Crowdfunding events:

  • £415 in February 2016, donated through Just Giving, in recognition of Lisa Connor’s haircutting event.
  • £1,864 on 19 August 2017, donated through Just Giving, in memory of Grace Kagwiria.
  • £410 in September 2017, donated through Just Giving, raised by Sarah Bowyer and Polly Dowdle.
  • £526 donated throughout December 2018 via Facebook/PayPal, as ‘Julie’s & Leon’s birthday fundraiser’.

We are aware that occasionally Crowdfunding events are misused, and money is collected by individuals who use it for purposes other than those advertised. Any Crowdfunding events other than the four detailed above, that claim they have donated funds to The Meserani Project, have not done so.

All fund raising activities in support of the Meserani Project are always promoted on our web-site. Please contact us if you have any concerns about the legitimacy of any fund raising activities which reference our charity.