Edina Lairumbe
She has two brothers and two sisters, Edina is the eldest. Both parents are alive, but her father has cancer. Her favourite subjects are Maths. and Swahili, and she enjoys playing Netball. She was placed 31st. in her examinations at Meserani Juu Primary School in early 2014. She would like to be a nurse one day.
Edina started her secondary education at Kipok Girls’ Secondary Boarding School in January 2015. In her first school examinations in November 2015 she gained a Merit (the second highest level). She is being sponsored by Sue Dalton, a former member of staff at Acklam Grange School.
- At primary school – August 2014
- At primary school – August 2014
- Receiving her sponsor’s letter from A’ Level student Jonathan – January 2015
- January 2015
- January 2015
- January 2016
- Edina Lairumbe
- January 2017
- January 2017
- July 2018
- With Nunthorpe Academy student – July 2018