
Einoti Secondary School

Einoti Secondary School is the closest Secondary School to Meserani, although it is a two-hour walk from Meserani to the school. Our first ever sponsored pupils started there in 2009, and completed their full four years of secondary education in November 2012. Seven of the pupils that we have sponsored at Einoti Secondary School are currently studying A’ Levels, three are at Arusha Vocational Training Centre, one is at a teacher training college, and one is now teaching at a primary school in Monduli.

Now that we only sponsor pupils to go to boarding schools, we only have nine pupils currently being educated at Einoti School, eight in Form Three, and one in Form Four, although discussions did start in late 2012 to consider providing boarding school facilities to some pupils – this would be ideal for the pupils who live in the Meserani region.

Paulo Meseyeki-Head Boy

We were delighted to hear in January 2013 that one of our sponsored pupils – Paulo Meseyeki – was selected as the school Head Boy.

In January 2014 we provided the school with their first ever whiteboard.