
Habil Moikan

Habil Moikan-August 2014Habil’s father has three wives, and there are thirteen children in the family. The eldest two children are at secondary school because the father sold land to pay for the school fees, but this is not possible now for any of his other children. He was placed third in his school examinations at Lesiraa Primary School in early 2014, and performed particularly well in the final national examinations in November. He would like to be a surgeon one day.

Habil started his secondary education at Moita Boys’ Secondary Boarding School in January 2015. He is being sponsored by Sarah Dodgson, a former Acklam Grange School student. Sarah is a teacher of Geography at The King’s Academy, a secondary school in Middlesbrough. She first visited Kenya and Tanzania with Acklam Grange School in 2007, she loved the experience so much that in 2014 Sarah visited the countries for a second time. After visiting the schools as an adult and a teacher rather than a student, Sarah found the second visit even more of a life changing experience, and on her return was certain of wanting to sponsor a pupil through their secondary education.

Habil achieved a Division Two result in his final examinations, and was selected to study A’ Levels in History, Kiswahili and Literature at Berege School, Mpwapwa, Dodoma. He started his course in July 2019. Sarah Dodgson is continuing to sponsor Habil through his two years of A’ Level studies.

Habil achieved a Division I Point 9 result in his A’ Level examinations, and was selected to study a Bachelor in  Human Resources Management course at Iringa University, starting in October 2021. His joint sponsors throughout his three years at university are Sarah, and another former Acklam Grange School pupil who wishes to remain anonymous.