
How Can You Support The Project

Like all charities, we are struggling to raise funds in the current economical climate, but this simply means that we have to work even harder to do what we can for those who rely on our support in Tanzania. If any of you feel that you would like to help in any way, there are a number of options:

  • Adding a touch of Africa to your living room!Kazuri JewelleryYou could host an African Jewellery & Handicrafts Sale, (we will provide everything for you – we have a large stock of traditional African Jewellery & Handicrafts that we have bought from markets in Tanzania, Kenya and Rwanda).Random Jewellery
  • You could organise a fundraising event yourself.
  • Water Tanks-MoitaYou may wish to fund a water tank for one of our schools, (all schools are in remote, desolate locations, and currently pupils have to walk many miles each day to collect water, thereby taking time out of their studies). The cost of each water tank is £347 and we would make sure that the water tank had your name on it – a lasting and meaningful legacy for you!
  • Paulo Meseyeki-August 2014-NYou may wish to sponsor a pupil through their secondary education or their further education, or you may know someone who would be interested in doing this.
  • You may have links or access to commercial organisations who may wish to support our charity. Kipok Boarding School is in desperate need of new classrooms and dormitories, and a commercial organisation may wish to fund the building project.
  • We have a number of volunteers who we affectionately call our ‘Meserani Helpers’. These are not only friends and acquaintances of ours, but many of them are simply people who have heard of the project, and like to help out from time to time. If you would like us to add your name to the list – there will be no obligation at all to do anything – all that happens is that we e-mail you when something is coming up, and if you can help, then that’s great, and if you can’t – no problem!