
Husna Swalehe

Husna Swalehe-August 2014Husna lives with her auntie – her parents are extremely poor. Her auntie took Husna away from her parents, and made sure that she attended primary school. She was placed sixth in her examinations at Lesiraa Primary School in early 2014, and performed particularly well in the national examinations in November 2014. She would like to be a nurse one day.

Husna started her secondary education at Kipok Girls’ Secondary Boarding School in January 2015. In her first school examinations in November 2015 she gained a Distinction (the highest level). She is being sponsored by Julie and Amy Everson. Julie is a member of the Stockton Soroptimist group, and daughter Amy is a primary school teacher in Leeds.

Husna achieved a Division Two result in her final examinations, and was selected to study A’ Levels in  Chemistry, Biology and Geography at Tamati High School, Mbulu, Manyara. She started her course in July 2019. Julie Everson and Amy Urmston are continuing to sponsor Husna through her two years of A’ Level studies.

Husna achieved a Division II Point 11 result in her A’ Level examinations, and was selected to study a B Sc in Chemistry, starting in October 2021. Julie & Amy are continuing to sponsor Husna throughout her three years at university, along with Graham Plant.