
Kipok Girls Secondary Boarding School

Kipok Secondary Boarding School for Girls is a relatively new school, and as such is still developing. Examination results in their first two years were disappointing, but now that the school appears to be making big improvements, it is an ideal school to send girls to from the Meserani region. The school is situated out ‘in the bush’, about a thirty minute off-road drive from Meserani.

The Head Teacher, Mrs. Felista Lukumay, took the school over in 2011, and has already started to have an impact. She has been our main contact with the school since she took over as head teacher, and she has assisted us with our project throughout.

The first seventeen pupils started at Kipok in 2011, and in their National Form Two Examinations in November 2012, the results were very promising, with almost all pupils passing to go through to Form Three. The results were widely acclaimed in the local community, and vindicated our selection of this school for our sponsored pupils. In November 2014 eleven girls completed their secondary education as a result of sponsorship through The Meserani Project, and we currently, have forty-three girls being educated at the school.

In 2012 The Meserani Project provided solar power to Kipok School, through a fundraising campaign initiated by David Simpson. In the same year, five 5,000 litre water tanks were installed, all funded by supporters of the project.


Holden Kipok books July 13Phusion books July 13In August 2013 a consignment of text books were provided by Phusion Engineering Information Management in Billingham, Teesside, and by the church of Emily Holden, a former pupil at Acklam Grange School.

In January 2014 we provided the school with their first ever whiteboard.

In July 2014 three water tanks and further text books were provided by four former Acklam Grange pupils, Chloe Winter, James Small, Joe Millar and Tom Dobson, as part of their East Africa Expedition 2014 Project.

In August 2014 a group of adults from Teesside visited the school as part of the Acklam Grange Adults Trip 2014. They provided a photocopier, a printer, solar power to two classrooms, and solar power for the school office. Two more water tanks were provided by Normanby Primary School Y6 Knitting Club, and a member of staff at Acklam Grange School.