
Kishumui Nairowa

KIshumui Nairowa-July 15-JKishumui is from Lepurko village, near Makayuni. His father died in 2011 from cancer. His mother has some livestock on a small farm, and this is her only form of income. Kishumui has four brothers and two sisters who all work on the farm. His older brothers went to primary school, but could not afford to go to secondary school. His sisters did not attend primary or secondary school, and are not able to read. The head teacher at Moita Secondary School ignored the fact that Kishumui could not pay his secondary school fees, because he was a hard worker, and was academically gifted, and he allowed him to study for free. In his Form II national examinations Kishumui got 100% in Physics. He would like to be an engineer in Chemical Processing one day.

Kishumui was allocated a place to study A’ Levels at Tanga Ufundi Secondary School, and began his studies in July 2015. He studies Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Because of ill health, he transferred to Karatu School in June 2016 so that he could be nearer to home. His sponsors throughout his A’ Levels were Lindsay and Steve Vickery from Javea, Spain.

In October 2017 Kishumui was selected by the government to study a BSc degree in Mathematics and Economics at Mzumbe University, Morogoro. His sponsors for his three years at university are Karen and Mike Davison, from Ingleby Barwick.