
Korduni Clamian

Korduni was born on 20 Decenmber 200, and his mother has 6 sons and 3 daughters, he is the seventh born. His father is polygamous, and has 7 wives and 43 children. His father moved away with three younger wives, and left the older wives alone with their children.

Korduni completed his secondary education in November 2019, and was actually selected to progress to study A’ Levels in History, Geography and Literature at Berege High School in Dodoma. Korduni’s father had already selected a wife for him because poverty in the family meant that the cost of the two years of A’ Level studies, which include accommodation, food and all personal and educational equipment, would not be able to be met. Korduni was so distraught about not being able continue his education, he ran away from home to avoid being married off. Fortunately John Sykes stepped in to sponsor Korduni through his A’ Levels.

Korduni preformed really well in his A’ Level examinatins, and was selected to join St. Augustine University, Mwanza, to study for a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree. We were not able to find a sponsor for him, so for his first year he was given a 40% loan by the government, and had to take out a private loan for the remaining costs. He was not able to repay the private loan, so was faced with not being able to continue with his second year. However, Pauline Lewis has stepped in and is sponsoring Korduni through his final two years at university. Pauline lives in the North of England with her husband Rupert and two teenage children, William (16) and Tabitha (14). William visited Tanzania in July 2023 to support the work of The Meserani Project. Pauline and her family, “Wish Korduni every success with his studies”.