Lomnyaki Saiboku Levaani
His father died when Lomnyaki was very young. There are seven children in the family, Lomnyaki is the fifth born. His mother cuts grass and sells it at Meserani market. Lomnyaki will not be able to continue his education without a sponsor. He would like to be a pilot one day.
Lomnyaki started Moita Boys’ Secondary Boarding School in January 2014,and was placed 8th. out of 109 pupils in his year group in his first school examinations. In the National Form Two Examinations 2015 he gained a Distinction (the highest level of pass). He is being sponsored by Mike Smith, a former Assistant Head Teacher at St. Patrick’s R.C. Secondary School, Thornaby.
Lomnyaki sat his national secondary examinations in November 2017, and performed extremely well. As a result he was selected to study A’ Levels in Physics, Chemistry & Biology at Lugoba Secondary School, Bagamoyo, Dar es Salaam, and he started his course in July 2018. Mike Smith is continuing to sponsor Lomnyaki through his two years of A’ Level studies.
Lomnyaki got a Division 2.12 in his final A’ Level examination results, and in September 2020 The Meserani Project paid for his application to university. We wish him the best of luck with his application – we expect to find out in October/November if he was successful.
In November 2020 Lomnyaki was selected to study a BSc degree course in Physics & Chemistry Development at Dar University. He is being jointly sponsored throughout his three years at university by Mike Smith, former Assistant Head Teacher at St. Patrick’s R.C. Secondary School, Thornaby, and Bethany Brown, former pupil at Acklam Grange School.
- His mother – September 2013
- His family – September 2013
- His family – September 2013
- December 2013 – being measured for his uniform
- December 2013 – being measured for his uniform
- August 2014 – reading a letter from his sponsor
- January 2016
- New uniform fitting – January 2016
- New shoe fitting – January 2016
- January 2017
- January 2017
- Lomnyaki Saiboku
- July 2018
- July 2018
- July 2018
- January 2019
- January 2019
- July 2019
- July 2019
- January 2020
- January 2020
- Lomnyaki Saiboku
- November 2020
- November 2020
- October 2021
- October 2021
- October 2022