Meserani Juu Primary School
During a visit to Meserani in 2007 by a group of pupils from Acklam Grange School, they were taken to see Meserani Juu Primary School. Although the classrooms had solid walls, as opposed to the decaying woodwork of the original Lesiraa School classrooms, the situation of overcrowding was quite shocking, and the pupils from Acklam Grange School found the whole scene quite distressing.

You can see from the expressions on their faces how shocked they were at the overcrowded classrooms and desperate lack of educational equipment and resources.
An emotional meeting took place outside Meserani Juu School, and the pupils decided that they would return to Acklam Grange School and set about raising enough money to build and equip four new classrooms for the school – the original Lesiraa Project now became known as the Meserani Project, and this was launched at Acklam Grange School in September 2007.
In February 2008 two trustees returned and handed over $10,000 to start the building of four brand new classrooms…

…and the plans were drawn up.
By February 2009 the four classrooms were completed…

…and in July 2009 pupils from Acklam Grange School put the final touches to the four brand new classrooms.
From 2010 onwards, many pupils from Meserani Juu Primary School have been sponsored by The Meserani Project to go through their secondary education.