Meserani Secondary School
We launched our biggest initiative in 2017 – to build a secondary school in the Meserani region – this is in collaboration with the local population, local council officials, village elders, local politicians, and the government. There is currently no secondary school in the Meserani region, which means that all our secondary school sponsored pupils have to attend boarding schools far away from their homes. Last year in the Meserani region, there were 584 young people who passed their national primary school examinations, but there were no secondary school places available for them.
A 30 acre site for the new school has already been identified – it is between Meserani Snakepark and Meserani Chini Primary School. In January 2019 we met with Idd Hasan Kimanta (Monduli District Commissioner), and Loti Naparana Tarakina (Meserani Ward Councillor), to discuss the plans for the new school, and the following outcomes were agreed:
- By the end of March 2019 the District Commissioner will have completed a Land Survey and obtained a Land Occupancy Certificate.
- Building work will begin in April, with teachers’ houses being built around the perimeter of the site, as an initial security feature.
The situation, as of 15 March 2019 was:
- The Maasai groups within the Meserani Ward have already made substantial contributions towards the initial building costs.
- The Land Surveyor is due to complete the survey and school plan in April, with building work due to start in May.
- Once the building work begins, the Tanzania Government joins the project, with funding from the Education Department.
- At some stage The Meserani Project will join the building project as a stakeholder – this will be discussed initially with our committee in Tanzania, and will then need to be approved by the charity trustees.
- Currently there is approximately £30,000 in The Meserani Project charity bank account, that has been raised exclusively for the building project.
Keep up to date with progress – on this website – or via our Facebook page:
In late November 2019 work finally began!
We were sent a short video, (apologies for the quality). View it here.
In early January 2020 further progress had been made.
A group from Virgin Media installed bases for two water tanks in January 2020.
In February 2020 work began on the roof. Shortly after this, work was interrupted by the seasonal rains, and then the Coronavirus issue.
In May 2021 the building project took a major step forward – the Tanzanian government committed 600 million Tanzanian Shillings (£200,000) to the project. The Meserani Project has already committed to funding a double classroom and office, and a dormitory, with further resources promised once pupils have started attending.

A further meeting took place on 29 December, to include various stakeholders, and the go-ahead was given for building to start in January 2022.
On 18 January 2022 the perimeter of the 25 acre site was marked out.
On 21 January the building work started on the first eight classrooms – a momentous day for the people of Meserani, and for The Meserani Project.
- District Executive Director
- District Administration Secretary
- Chairman of the Council
- Chairman of the Council
- Loth Naparana-Meserani Ward Councillor
- Loth Naparana-Meserani Ward Councillor
- Finger Euphorbia
More progress was made with the building work – 11 March 2022:
- Science Room
- Classrooms
- Classrooms
- Library+ICT Room
- Administration Block
- Science Room

- First dormitory
- Second dormitory
- Second dormitory
- Classrooms
- Science Rooms
- Toilets
- Administration Block
- Library
- ICT Room
A second visit was made by the Trustees on 21 July 2022.
- Adiminstration Block
- Library + ICT Room
- Classrooms
- Classrooms
- Science Rooms
- Science Room
- Administration Block
- First dormitory
- Second dormitory
- First dormitory
- Second dormitory

Work began on the first teachers’ houses in 2023.
Finally – in January 2024 the school opened to the first pupils!!!!
At the same time, work on the teachers’ houses was almost complete.
Another important milestone was when building work began on the dining hall and kitchen in February 2024.
With further progress being made in March and April.
Further progress with the dining hall and kitchen was being made in June.
Building work reached the roof stage in October.
Building work started on the toilet, changing rooms and firewood store building in October.
Further progress on the dining hall and kitchens was made in December.
Solar power systems installed in both toilet blocks.
Security lighting installed throughout the school grounds.
A full office suite was installed – photocopier, printer, desktop computer.
A huge consignment of resources was brought over from the U.K.
The group assisted trustees from The Meserani Project to transport 520 trees to the school.
Two large-screen televisions were installed in the staff room and ICT classroom.
In February 2025 internal plastering of the dining/assembly hall and kitchens was under way, and installation of the water tanks began.
Teachers began using the projector and screens in February 2025.
In the meantime, how can you help? Some suggestions of what you could buy are shown below – we would make sure that your name was shown on your gift – a meaningful legacy for you 4,000 miles away in Tanzania! Please contact us if you would like to help (
- Five fruit trees and five shade trees – we will plant them for you – £10
- A set of ten text books – £50
- Individual pupil feminine hygiene resources for the full four years at school, (period pants) – £50
- One-off sponsorship of a pupil who is not able to finance the equipment and resources needed to be a boarding pupil at the school – £100
- A double bunk bed, two mattresses and two pillows – £125
- A laptop for the ICT room for £390
- Pay for solar power for one of the school buildings – approximately £680 for a double classroom or a dormitory
- Pay for a water harvesting system – approximately £1,600 for a double classroom or a dormitory
- For anyone who knows a company or commercial organisation who may wish to get involved in a big way, the cost of a dormitory is £30,000 – what a legacy this would be for your company!