Magreth Parsalau
Magreth is from the Kisongo region. Her father died in 2000. Her mother is unemployed. There are three children in the family.
Magreth started Einoti Secondary School in January 2010. She was sponsored through her secondary education by Julie Delany, whose daughter is a former Acklam Grange School pupil. She completed her four years at Einoti School in November 2013, and achieved the necessary pass mark in her final examinations in order to proceed to College. The Meserani Project had been able find a sponsor for her to attend College or undertake a course at Arusha Vocational Training Centre. However, Magreth chose to apply to a private school to study A’ Levels, against the advice of our committee at Meserani, and is now seeking financial help to complete the course.
- Her home – November 2009
- At primary school – November 2009
- February 2010
- At Einoti Secondary School – February 2010
- At Einoti Secondary School – August 2010
- With Stephanie Dawson from Acklam Grange School – July 2011
- With Stephanie Dawson from Acklam Grange School – July 2011
- At Einoti Secondary School – February 2012
- September 2013
- September 2013