
Maria Ngimasirwa

Maria lived with her mother and five younger brothers & sisters. The father left them in 2007 and has not returned. The mother is unemployed so they survived on milk from other people’s cows.  Maria was a pupil at Meserani Juu Primary School.

 Maria started Einoti Secondary School in January 2010. She completed her secondary education in November 2013, and achieved the necessary pass mark in her final examinations in order to proceed to A’ Level studies. She began her A’ Level studies at a High School in Kondoa in July 2014.  

Maria completed her A’ Levels in June 2016, and was selected to join Teofilo Kisanji University, Dar Es Salaam Centre, (http://dsm.teku.ac.tz). She began her B A with Education degree course in October 2016. She has been sponsored throughout her education by a former member of staff at Acklam Grange School and his wife. Elizabeth Wood from Stockton Soroptimists,  also sponsored Maria through her university course.

Maria completed her university degree course in December 2019, and took up her first teaching post at Geita Secondary School, Mwanza, in December 2020. She is teaching Geography and History.