
Ngivuyoni Leskar

Ngivuyoni has seven other brothers & sisters. She lives with her mother – her father was injured in a car accident and is completely paralysed and is unable to help himself. His wife looks after him and is therefore unable to work.  Ngivuyoni was a pupil at Lesiraa Primary School.

Ngivuyoni started Einoti Secondary School in January 2010, and was sponsored by The Meserani Project. She completed her four years of secondary education in November 2013. On 7 October 2014 she sat her entrance examination and interview for a pace at Arusha Vocational Training Centre, and in January 2015 she was informed that she had been successful in her application. Her residential course began on 12 January 2015.

She is being sponsored throughout her vocational training by Lillian Briggs, a retired teacher.