Korduni Kipara
Korduni is living with his mother who is selling snuff for cash to the Maasai just to survive. His father left a long time ago. Korduni was staying with other Maasai who had cattle, and they wanted him to stay out of school to look after their cows, but his mother wanted him to receive a secondary education. He has two sisters.
Korduni started Moita Boys’ Secondary Boarding School in January 2011, and completed his secondary education in November 2014. He is currently waiting for the national examination results to be published (due out in April/May 2015). He was sponsored throughout his secondary education by Eric & Sue. Oliver and family.
- At home – December 2010
- At home – December 2010
- At home – December 2010
- Family members – December 2010
- December 2010
- December 2010
- At Moita Secondary School – February 2011
- At Moita Secondary School – February 2011
- With David Simpson from Acklam Grange School – July 2011
- September 2013
- At Moita Secondary School – September 2013
- December 2013
- At Moita Secondary School – August 2014