Saningo Loisulie
Saningo attended Lesiraa Primary School. His father is crippled and the mother cannot find work. There are two brothers and one sister. Their neighbours are looking after the family.
Saningo started Moita Boys’ Secondary Boarding School in January 2011. He was usually placed in the top ten in his year group in school examinations. He was sponsored throughout his secondary education by the pupils from Tutor Group 11S at Acklam Grange School, and their tutor Kate Lockney.
Saningo completed his secondary education in November 2014, and achieved the necessary pass marks to go on to A’ Level studies. He started his A’ Level studies at Ifunda Secondary School in July 2015, and is studying Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
He is being sponsored through his two years of A’ Level studies by John and Joan Bate, (John is a former head teacher at Acklam Grange School).
In July 2021 Saningo was appointed as a Physics teacher at Kwenjugo Secondary School, Handeni, Tanga. He is the only Physics teacher at the school, and it is fantastic news that Saningo has such a wonderful future ahead of him now.
- His home – September 2010
- November 2010 – primary school
- Christmas 2010
- Christmas 2010
- February 2011
- February 2011
- February 2011
- February 2011
- Saningo Loisulie
- With Acklam Grange School pupil Ben Jefferson – July 2011
- At Moita Secondary School – February 2012
- September 2013
- September 2013
- September 2013
- December 2013
- August 2014
- August 2014
- January 2016
- Watching a video from his sponsors – January 2016
- With Peter – June 2016
- With Peter – June 2016
- With Peter & Loth – June 2016
- With Peter – June 2016
- Receives laptop from Jessica Starling – August 2018
- August 2021
- August 2021
- August 2021
- August 2021
- August 2021