Dora Sainyeye
Her father is very old. Her mother cuts and sells grass to survive. Her sister helped her through primary school. There are eight children in the family, she is the fifth born. She wants to be a nurse one day.
In her final primary school examinations she gained 139 marks out of a possible 250.
Dora started Kipok Girls’ Secondary Boarding School in January 2013. She is being sponsored by Sarah Rogers, a former pupil at Acklam Grange School, and her Auntie, Jan Blenkarne.
Dora was selected to study A’ Levels in History, Geography and Languages at Irikisingo School, Monduli, and started her course in July 2017. She was sponsored through her two years of A’ Level studies by Sarah and Jan.
Dora performed particularly well in her A’ Level examinations, and was selected to study a BEd Degree in Geography and History at the Mwalimu Nyerere University, Dar Es Salaam, starting in October 2019. She is being jointly sponsored through her three year university degree course by Sarah and Jan, and by the Elimu Safari Group from the U.S.A.
- At home – November 2012
- Being measured for her uniform – January 2013
- January 2013
- January 2013
- January 2013
- January 2013
- January 2013
- January 2013
- At Kipok Secondary School – September 2013
- December 2013
- With Diane – August 2014
- January 2016
- Dora Sainyeye
- June 2016
- June 2016
- July 2017
- July 2017
- July 2018
- With Nunthorpe Academy students – July 2018
- January 2019
- Dora Sainyeye
- October 2019
- October 2019
- November 2020
- November 2020
- October 2021
- October 2021
- October 2021