
Paulo Saingorie

He lost the index finger on his right hand when a young child due to a severe burn – has had to learn to write left-handed. His father passed away in 2003 with Diabetes. He had three wives. His mother works as a farmer, she was 47 in 2012.  She completed her primary education at Lesiraa School when she was aged 22, and wanted to go to secondary school, but her father forced her to get married – he even tied her arms together to prevent her from escaping. There are seven children in the family, Paulo is the fourth born. He wants to be a pilot one day.

In his final primary school examinations he gained 182 marks out of a possible 250.

 He was placed at Ilboru Secondary School by the Government because of his exceptional primary school national examinations.

In the National Form Two examinations in 2014 he was awarded a Grade A in all nine subjects, and achieved the maximum overall mark of 5.0 (Distinction). This was a truly amazing achievement!

He is being sponsored by John O’Boyle and his family.

In the video link below, Paulo explains his plans for the future, and he gives thanks to his sponsor, John O’Boyle from Middlesbrough, U.K.