
Thomas Leiyo


His father died in 1999 of AIDS. His mother is very old. They depend on their brother for survival, who works in a cattle market. There are five children in the family, he is the first born. He wants to be a doctor one day.

In his final primary school examinations he gained 149 marks out of a possible 250.

Thomas started Moita Boys Secondary Boarding School in January 2013. In his end-of-year examinations in 2013 he was placed seventh in his year group of 113 pupils. In his Form Three Examinations in November 2015 he gained a Merit (the second highest level of pass). He was sponsored by Andy Hassack, a member of staff at Acklam Grange School.

Thomas was selected to study A’ Levels in History, Kiswahili and Literature at Lupa School, Mbeya, and started his course in July 2017. He was sponsored through his two years of A’ Level studies by The Meserani Project.