Severina Emanuel
Severina has two sisters, and she is the eldest. Her father is not around, so her mother is bringing the three girls up on her own. She had to walk 3 Km. each morning to get to her primary school. She enjoys Mathematics, English and Science, and likes playing football. She was placed 10th in her examinations at Meserani Juu Primary School in early 2014. She would like to be a doctor one day.
Severina started her secondary education at Kipok Girls Secondary Boarding School in January 2015. In her first school examination sin November 2015 she gained a Merit (the second highest level of pass). She is being sponsored by Sarah & David Willox. Sarah is a primary school teacher and David works as an engineer in the chemical industry.
Severina achieved a Division Three result in her final examinations, and was selected to study A’ Levels in History, Kiswahili and Literature at Ashira High School, Moshi. She started her course in July 2019. Severina is being sponsored throughout her two years of A’ Level studies by Sheffield Park Academy.
Severina achieved a Division I Point 8 result in her A’ Level examinations, and was selected to study a Bachelor of Swahili degree course at Dar Es Salaam University, starting in October 2021. Severina is being sponsored throughout her three years at university by Gary & Keeley Matthews.
- At primary school – August 2014
- Receiving her sponsor’s letter from A’ Level student Jonathan – January 2015
- January 2015
- January 2015
- At primary school – August 2014
- January 2016
- January 2016
- January 2017
- January 2017
- July 2018
- With Nunthorpe Academy student – July 2018
- Severina Emanuel
- July 2019
- January 2020
- January 2020
- January 2020
- October 2021
- October 2021
- October 2022
- October 2022