
Simon Saibulu

Simon Saibulu-August 2013Simon’s father died in 2003, and his mother has no work, so there is no form of income for the family. She has five children to bring up. Simon was placed twelfth in his final examinations at Primary School.

Simon started Moita Boys Secondary Boarding School in January 2014. In the National Form Two Examinations 2015 he gained a Distinction (the highest level of pass). He is being sponsored by The International School of Moscow – this is in recognition of the hospitality shown to them by Daniel’s primary school – Meserani Juu – during a visit there in 2013.

Simon sat his national secondary examinations in November 2017, and performed extremely well. As a result he was selected to study A’ Levels in History, Geography & Languages at Vudoi Boys’ High School, Mwanga, Moshi, and he started his course in July 2018. The International School of Moscow is continuing to sponsor Simon through his two years of A’ Level studies.

In November 2020 Simon was selected to study a Bachelor of Tourism Management at Sokoine University of Agriculture. He is being jointly sponsored throughout his three years at university by Mike Robson, Val Shuttleworth, and David & Theresa Whittaker, from Middlesbrough Erimus Rotary Club.