
Virgin Media Challenge 2017 – Equipment & Clothing

You will need

A very warm sleeping bag, (preferably 3/4 seasons).

A sleeping mat, (Karrimat or self-inflating camping mattress.)

Small rucksack or haversack, (this should be the hand luggage).

Non-breakable drinks container, (1.0 or 1.5 litres).

Lightweight waterproof top (Kagoule).

One or two hand/bath towels – the lightweight camping ones are best.

Personal toiletries and personal medicines, (see ‘Health and Hygiene’ for further details).

Sun protection – you must take an adequate supply of suntan lotions, and should include some high-factor protection, and after-sun lotion.

A pair of strong training shoes.

A pair of light shoes, (maybe sandals).

Casual clothes, (mainly shorts and tee-shirts).

Several items of warm clothing, (include long-sleeved tops and trousers).

A warm fleece top.

Underwear and socks, (socks must be full ankle socks).


Swimming costume (in case showers are not private).

Clothes washing soap bars (the Dettol soap bars, which can be bought from stores such as Wilkinsons are brilliant).

A short washing line and pegs.

A sun hat, and a pair of sunglasses.

A torch, and spare batteries.

A wristwatch, with alarm function.

A money belt or similar.

DVT Travel Socks, (to consider).

A strong polythene bag for used clothing.

Card/table games.

Digital camera with spare memory card and battery.