
Virgin Media Challenge 2017 – Immunisations and Health Requirements

You will need to contact your GP Practice now to let them know that you are travelling to Kenya and Tanzania. They will normally provide you with a form to complete, and will then advise you as to which immunisations you will need.

The Yellow Fever immunisation is compulsory, and you will be advised where you can go to get this particular immunisation. There will be a cost, and you must take the certificate you are given with you when we travel to East Africa. Normally, there are no charges for any other immunisations that you need.

Your GP Practice will offer advice on which anti-malaria tablets you should buy. They may also want to charge your for a private prescription – please be aware that some places such as Morrisons,, not only sell anti-malaria tablets at very competitive prices, but they may also provide a free prescription service.

These Malaria tablets are to be carried in the hand luggage.

It is vital that the instructions for their use are strictly adhered to, particularly with regard to when the tablets should first be taken, and how long after our return home they should be taken.  Malaria is the biggest killer in Africa, and all precautions should be taken – this includes covering exposed parts of the body with mosquito repellent early in the morning and in the evening when you are in particular areas, (you will be told exactly when this is necessary).


You are expected to carry the following items in your luggage:

Mosquito repellent, (must have minimum 50% Deet), at least 250 ml. will be needed.

Body wipes.

Toilet wipes, (Johnson Baby Wipes or similar).

Toilet Paper.

Diarrhoea tablets, (Immodium Plus or similar).

Diarrhoea re-hydration sachets, (Dioralyte or similar).

Paracetamol or similar.

Antiseptic hand gel, (the type that evaporates).

Anti-histamine cream or tablets, (for insect bites).

Personal hygiene requirements.