
Eliza Saingorie

Eliza Saingorie

Eliza attended Meserani Juu Primary School.

Eliza was positioned seventh in her final year at Meserani Chini Primary School. Her father has six wives and twenty-nine children. Eliza’s mother is his fourth wife, and she has seven children – Eliza is the fourth born. If Eliza is able to be sponsored to go to secondary school, her father will encourage her to do this – if not, she will be married off. Her mother relies on the rains falling to grow beans – she does not have much livestock. Eliza’s favourite subjects are History, Science, Mathematics and Geography. She would like to be a nurse one day.

Eliza started her secondary education at Kipok Girls’ Secondary Boarding School in January 2017. She is being sponsored by Jessica Taylor, a former pupil at Acklam Grange School.