
Meja Tate

August 2014

His father has passed away. His mother is a local farmer, and was not able to continue paying his school fees during his last two years at Moita, so the teachers were helping with the payments because Meja’s academic performance was very good. 

In his Mock Final Examinations in 2014 he gained a Division One pass, and in his final examinations he gained the necessary marks to go on to study A’ Levels. Meja started his A’ Level studies at Kahororo Secondary School in July 2015, he studies Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

Meja was sponsored throughout his A’ Level studies by Ann & Rob Wright, former Acklam Grange School parents. Ann is now a school governor at Acklam Grange.

In October 2017 Meja was selected by the government to study a BSc degree in Forestry at Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro. Ann & Rob continued to sponsor Meja as joint sponsors throughout his three years at university, along with Jenny and Narinder Singh, former Acklam Grange School students.

Meja graduated in December 2020, and was awarded an upper second class degree.

Click below to hear Meja’s thank you to his sponsors in January 2016:
