More meetings! Posted June 15, 2015 by admin


Loth - June 2015Day Two at Meserani, and the meetings continue!

First of all we met with Loth Naparana, the secretary of our committee at Meserani, to discuss the visit next week of the group from Virgin Media. We also talked about the two students who had just been given a place at University (Lembris Loisulie and Charles Davis). A number of issues arose regarding the primary schools that we support, and there was discussion about the number of schoolgirl pregnancies that were occurring.

Felista June 2015Later today we met with Felista Lukumay, the head teacher at Kipok Girls Secondary Boarding School, focussing again on the Virgin Media visit, and the schoolgirl pregnancy issue. Current needs at Kipok were discussed, particularly the completion of the new girls’ dormitory, and the need for an administration and I.T. block at the school.

Winnie Michael - June 2015Winnie Michael - June 2015We drove into Arusha later to visit Mt. Meru Hospital, where one of our female students had been admitted as an emergency. We talked to her mother about the situation, and the implication for her daughter’s future A’ Level studies.

Esra - June 2015The final meeting today was with Esra, a local trader who supplies most of our resources. We gave him the task of obtaining prices on a number of future orders.Esra - June 2015