
Nembris Lais Nainyeyengeri

Nembris Lais Nainyeyengeri-Aug 15-ANembris attended Meserani Chini Primary School.

Her father has seven wives, and her mother is the fourth wife – she has nine children, and Nembris is the sixth born. Her father has thirty-two children in total. It takes Nembris one hour to walk to primary school each morning. Her father has someone waiting to marry her when she finished primary school. None of his children have gone to secondary school. Nembris has not met her future husband yet. She has been told that if she can get someone to pay for her to go to secondary school, then she will be allowed to go. She likes Geography, Economics and Science, and would like to be a nurse one day. She was placed fifth in her primary school examinations in 2015.

Nembris started her secondary education at Kipok Girls’ Secondary Boarding School in January 2016. She is being sponsored by Josh Cooper, a former pupil at Acklam Grange School, who visited Meserani in July 2015. Josh is now studying A’ Levels at MacMillan College.