Onesmo Raphael
Onesmo attended Meserani Juu Primary School.
Both his parents are alive, but they survive by living off the land, and have no income. They managed to pay his school fees for his first term at Moita Secondary School, but were not able to continue the payments.
Onesmo started Moita Boys’ Secondary Boarding School in January 2015.He is being sponsored by David Williams, whose son is a former Head Boy at Acklam Grange School.
Onesmo achieved a Division Three result in his final examinations, and was selected to study a two year Diploma Course in Business & Social Management at the Institute of Accountancy in Arusha. He started his course in July 2019. Onesmo is being sponsored throughout his Two year Diploma Course by Dick and Sheila Simpson, from Appleton Wiske.
- June 2015
- June 2015
- June 2015
- June 2015
- June 2015
- Onesmo Raphael
- January 2016
- January 2017
- January 2017
- July 2018
- With Nunthorpe Academy student – July 2018
- July 2019
- Onesmo Raphael
- November 2019
- November 2019
- January 2020
- January 2020