Paulo Saingorie Posted March 13, 2013 by peterswan


One piece of good news from a recent visit to Meserani was that one of the new sponsored pupils had actually been offered a place at Ilboru Special School by the government. Ilboru School is a Secondary Boys Boarding School on the outskirts of Arusha, and only pupils who achieve above a certain mark in their Primary School National Examinations are offered places at such schools.  Whilst it was a great honour for Paulo Saingorie to gain a place at Ilboru School, his mother would not have been able to pay his fees, and both Paulo and his mother were extremely grateful for the support of his sponsor. It took a two-day shopping spree in Arusha to kit Paulo out with all the clothing and equipment that he needed, but it was a proud moment for The Meserani Project when he started his first day.