The gift of water Posted April 10, 2023 by admin


In January this year a a group of employees from Virgin Media and O2 spent nine days in Tanzania contributing to the work of The Meserani Project. They installed solar power systems in three teachers’ houses at Meserani Chini Primary School, and updated solar power systems to one other teachers’ house at Meserani Chini Primary School and the Meserani Juu Medical Centre. However, their main achievement is detailed below.

The Meserani Project funded the building and furnishing of two dormitories at the new Meserani Secondary School, and the Virgin Media/O2 group undertook the task of installing full water harvesting systems to each dormitory, and this involved building concrete bases for eight 5,000 litre water tanks, installing full guttering systems to both buildings, and connecting the guttering systems to the eight water tanks. This was a huge undertaking, and achieved with none of the tools and facilities that one would normally require (no cement mixer, no electricity, etc.) The Tanzanian weather for January provided the usual harsh challenges – anything from fierce tropical heat through to severe tropical storms.

The group set off back to the U.K. on 19 January knowing that their incredible task had been completed, but unfortunately not being able to witness the system working. Now that the seasonal rains have started in Tanzania, we have been sent a video of water being processed from the tanks, and this is shown below. A huge thankyou to everyone involved – and you must never underestimate the impact that you will make on the lives of the pupils at Meserani Secondary School – being able to have water ‘on tap’ is something we in the U.K. take for granted, but in the area where Meserani Secondary School is located, water can never be taken for granted – until now.

