Yet more amazing examination results! Posted January 24, 2015 by admin


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe National Examinations for Form Two pupils have just been published by the government in Tanzania, and our sponsored pupils at Einoti School have performed exceptionally well.

Pupils in Tanzania have to pass these national examinations before they are allowed to proceed to Form Three. If they fail, then they have one chance to re-sit, and if they fail again, they are not allowed to continue their secondary education.

Not only did all our eight sponsored pupils pass the examination, but seven of them actually gained a Credit, Merit or Distinction. The details are:

Pass – One pupil

Credit – Three pupils

Merit – Two pupils

Distinction – Two pupils

Our congratulations go to all eight pupils, to their teachers at Einoti School, and of course to all their sponsors.

Einoti whiteboards January 2014

Peter with Einoti School teachers