
Virgin Media Challenge – Arusha VTC

Arusha VTCArusha Vocational Training Centre is on the outskirts of Arusha, and is the focus of your project work. Students initially undertake a one-year residential course leading to a Level I qualification. If successful, they progress to a second year leading to a Level II qualification, and then hopefully a third year leading to a Level III qualification. The subjects followed are traditional ‘trades’, and include:

Electrical Installation. (Click here to download their course programme).





 The Centre is poorly resourced, and in desperate need of tools, equipment and basic education materials.

The Meserani Project currently has eight students being sponsored to attend residential courses at the Centre. Clicking on each student’s name will take you to their individual website page. 

Level One students: Helen MrumbeNigivuyoni Leskar. Agness Meloo. Lelo Lewon. Lucas Isaya.

Level Two students: Meporoo Sumu. Bwanashamba Pusindawa. John Sanare.