The pupils below all started their secondary education in January 2015.
Click on each image to see the individual stories behind each pupil.
- Agatha Leparakwo
- Claudi Dawite
- Edina Lairumbe
- Erick Willium
- Ezekiel Loserian
- Frank Leskar
- Hobil Moikan
- Husna Swalehe
- Imanuel Sainyeye
- Imanuel Soine
- Jenipher Joshuwa
- John Matunda
- Joyce Daniel
- Kizito Pusindawa
- Loinyeye Kapande
- Lowasa Mengoru
- Mohamedi Juma
- Naini Ndaskoy
- Nawasa Mathayo
- Neeko Mungaya
- Nekiteto Mungaya
- Nembris Lekumock
- Nice Longototi
- Onesmo Raphael
- Saiguran Meesani
- Severina Emanuel